Once you and the seller are in agreement about the main points, the selling agent then drafts a purchase agreement [Dutch: koopovereenkomst]. Only once both parties have signed the purchase agreement is the sale effected.
An important issue for consideration is the question of ‘resolutive conditions’ [Dutch: ontbindende voorwaarden]. If you want to include such conditions in the purchase agreement, then you have to make these known during negotiations. As a buyer, you’re not automatically entitled to include a resolutive condition.
Both you and the seller must agree to any additional provisions and resolutive conditions before the selling agent drafts the purchase agreement. The sale is only effected once this has been signed by both parties. This is referred to as a ‘requirement to lay something down in writing’ [Dutch: schriftelijkheidsvereiste].
Your statutory three-day cool off period also commences once you and the seller have both signed, and you’ve received, a copy of the purchase agreement. During the cool-off period, you’re entitled to cancel the purchase. Once the three days have passed, the sale is definitive, unless resolutive conditions apply.